Chinese astrology

Chinese astrology is the divination of the future from the Chinese calendar, which is based on astronomy, and ancient Chinese religion. In particular, it is based on the age-old sexagenary cycle of 60 years that has been documented at least since the time of the Shang Dynasty. This basic cycle has been constructed from two cycles: the 10 heavenly stems (the five elements in their yin and yang forms) and the 12 earthly branches, or the 12-year cycle of animals referred to as the Chinese zodiac. The Chinese animal zodiac also operates on a cycle of months or 'moons' and of hours of the day.

The Chinese zodiac refers to a pure calendrical cycle; there are no equivalent constellations like those of the occidental zodiac. In imperial times there were astrologers who watched the sky for heavenly omens that would predict the future of the state, but this was a quite different practice of divination from the popular present-day methods.

                                                                                                              Dog's Yearly Horoscope

Dog Overview

Time to kick back and enjoy life with the Pig. This has the potential to be a very favorable year in many areas. The Dog is generally though of as the protector, but this year the tables are turned. It is the Pig that is watching over you and sending luck your way.

Dog Health

As with last year, you should enjoy reasonably good health -- as long as you take the normal precautions. It's a Fire year, though, so accidents could pose a problem.

Dog Wealth

A windfall could very well be yours. It may not be a jackpot, but unexpected money is coming your way.

Dog Rating

64% (10 favorable and 2 unfavorable months)

Dog Career

This is a good time to change careers if that is what you have been thinking of doing. Lucky stars smile upon those who begin a new business venture. It is generally a favorable time for all.

Dog Relationships

The Pig is the complementary sign to the Dog. There will be a number of opportunities to make new friends and associates who can help you in your career and also make your personal life more fulfilling.



Dragon's Yearly Horoscope

Dragon Overview

The Dragon is supposed to be a lucky sign, and you'll prove it! Several lucky stars shine on your every endeavor, and both Pig and Fire favor you.

Dragon Health

Not likely to experience any new, health significant problems. If you're really lucky, an existing one might even be cleared up.

Dragon Wealth

A significant amount of money could come your way, perhaps an unexpected inheritance.

Dragon Career

Smooth sailing. Sales people and anyone on commission could be in for a nice bonus.

Dragon Relationships

Lucky in love. If you've been looking for a new love interest, this could be the time you find it. It's a great time for a wedding.

Dragon Rating

69% (1 neutral, 1 unfavorable and 10 favorable months)



Horse's Yearly Horoscope

Horse Overview

The Pig is not a particularly good year for the Horse, but there will still be opportunities. And, since it is a Fire year, there will be plenty of the excitement and adventure you crave. In a year of mixed results timing is all important. Pick your spots wisely.

Horse Health

As with last year, this could be your biggest area of concern. It's even more critical to make your annual checkup, as the Pig is less favorable for you than the Dog. If something develops that seems like a problem, get it checked out right away. Vulnerability to stress is always a factor in a Fire year.

Horse Wealth

Generally this should be the kind of year where you make money but also spend it about as fast as it comes in. You're not likely to strike it rich; however, you should have more than enough money to afford some luxury. The Pig may not be a friend, but that is no reason to ignore its call to pamper yourself a bit.

Horse Rating

50% (5 favorable and 7 unfavorable months)

Horse Career

In general the best you can expect in a Pig year is to maintain your position with perhaps slight progress. Do your best and make sure the Pig doesn't lead you into so much frivolity you neglect the job.

Horse Relationships

You're likely to get swept up in the passion associated with Fire and Pig. Go with it! If you find someone who interests you, don't hesitate to make a move. It may or may not last, but if you connect, you can bet it will be a hot romance. As for existing relationships, turn up the heat. It just might get you to the next level.



Monkey's Yearly Horoscope

Monkey Overview

Don't be misled by all those favorable months -- this is not likely to be a good or a bad year, but rather one with mixed results. You have unlucky stars around you. The key is to take full advantage of lucky months and bide your time during the rest. As with last year, you also have the problem of Fire, as Fire melts Metal (your fixed element) and therefore your luck. Overall you're looking at about a 50-50 year.

Monkey Health

It is in this area where you could have the most problems this year. You are susceptible to illness and especially accidents. The combination of Fire and Metal is conducive to injuries. Avoid stress-related problems by taking time off at regular intervals throughout the year. Pamper yourself -- doctor's orders.

Monkey Wealth

Like your buddy the Rat, you are a lot quicker than the Pig. With money flowing in, you should be able to make a (quick) profit or two this year. Look for opportunities.

Monkey Rating

58% (6 favorable, 2 neutral and 4 unfavorable months)

Monkey Career

If you are in commerce, you could do very well. Other Monkeys could be looking at a mediocre year.

Monkey Relationships

Alone-time is more likely to be your lot than budding romance. It will be up to you to extend a hand to others, as people may not be coming up to you for companionship. There are, no doubt, people out there who feel the same as you, so cheer yourself up by lifting their spirits. You will all be happier.



Ox Overview

This year could very well be a repeat of last year -- not that great but not horrible, either. Fire continues to rule, and Pig style is not for you.

Ox Health

The Ox tends to be a workaholic, especially when having problems in their love life, but this is a year when you could become run down. Monitor your stress and energy levels, and seek medical attention at the first sign of trouble.

Ox Wealth

A loss is a real possibility, as you are under the influence of several unlucky stars. Keep your eyes on the balance sheet.

Ox Rating

42% (4 favorable and 8 unfavorable months)

Ox Career

Plod on and you might enhance your prospects. You have plenty to do, but there will be obstacles. Rack up accomplishments, but don't expect that promotion this year.

Ox Relationships

The single Ox might find a new love interest or two, but don't expect things to develop rapidly. It's also not a great time to try to push an existing relationship to the next level. Be patient, as better times are coming. The married Ox could experience quarrels and tension if their spouse's emotional needs are not met.



                                                                                                                           Pig's Yearly Horoscope

Pig Overview

The Pig is the last of the 12 signs, so maybe it should not come as a surprise that the Pig just can't catch a break. True it's your year, but unfortunately there are many unlucky stars in your palace. That 49% rating is an average that masks the fact you are likely to have some very good and bad luck this year.

You only have two extremely good months this year, although you have many good to very good ones. You may not have a lot of great opportunities, but there should be plenty of decent ones. Water -- your fixed element -- and Fire spell disaster, so don't take any unnecessary risks.

Pig Health

Alas, Fire and Water (your fixed element) spell disaster. Actually we're not talking disaster here, but we are talking problems. Either an existing condition is likely to worsen, or you could find yourself with a new issue. Stress and high blood pressure are two possible candidates.

Pig Wealth

It's ironic that the Pig brings luck to many other signs but not to itself. You're not really in danger of a big loss, but don't buy any lottery tickets, either

 Pig Rating

49% (6 favorable and 6 unfavorable months)

Pig Career

Steady progress is your most likely outcome. Those Pigs in academia, however, could really shine.

Pig Relationships

It's a wonderful time for family, including a new addition. Your love life should show some improvement. Certainly your passions are going to be aroused. The single Pig is likely to find a new love interest.



Rabbit's Yearly Horoscope

Rabbit Overview

How sweet it is! The Fire Pig is a little wild for your tastes, but a Pig is a Pig, and a Pig is one of your best friends.

Rabbit Health

If there's a Rabbit vulnerability this year, as with last, it is in the area of health. There is an unlucky star influencing you this year, and with all the Fire around, you could be susceptible to minor accidents if you try to keep up with the hectic pace.

Rabbit Wealth

Your finances are secure. If you deal with money directly you are likely to increase your wealth.

 Rabbit Rating

79% (1 neutral and 11 favorable months)

Rabbit Career

It could be a good year if you are in business. The salaried Rabbit, however, can expect only modest progress.

Rabbit Relationships

Passion runs deep. There is a strong chance of finding a new love. It's also an auspicious time to get married.



Rat's Yearly Horoscope

Rat Overview

Things are looking up for the Rat, as the Pig is a lot friendlier toward you than the Dog. You have a tremendous advantage of quickness over the Pig, so you can create lots of opportunities for yourself this year.

As with last year, however, ruling Fire puts you at a disadvantage as Fire and Water (your fixed element) spell disaster in Chinese. You can be a big winner this year if you realize that you may be your own worst enemy and do your best to avoid recklessness.

Rat Health

The Pig means the Rat no harm, but there nevertheless are several unlucky stars influencing the Rat this year. They are most likely to affect the area of health. Don't be surprised if you become sick or feel run-down on more than one occasion. Give yourself a fighting chance by monitoring your health closely and eating a healthy diet.

Rat Wealth

Rats who work for commission or for themselves could make significant sums of money. The Pig smiles on honest commerce.

Rat Rating

65% (9 favorable, 1 neutral and 2 unfavorable months)

Rat Career

Work life should proceed relatively smoothly. Merchants, bankers and salespeople could have a banner year.

Rat Relationships

Typically, the Rat is not a particularly sensual lover. There is passion, however, and it is likely to be stimulated this year by a new love interest.



Rooster's Yearly Horoscope

Rooster Overview

That 50% rating is an average that masks the fact you are likely to have some very good and bad luck this year. The Pig is generally good to the Rooster, but Fire is the enemy of Metal, your fixed element.

Rooster Health

You are vulnerable to accidents. There could also be some health issues, especially stress-related ones resulting from difficult conditions at work. The wise Rooster must be careful not to ruffle any feathers.

Rooster Wealth

You could come into money this year. This could be from an unexpected source, but it could also be a normal result of your investments.

Rooster Rating

50% (5 favorable and 7 unfavorable months)

Rooster Career

There is a greater likelihood of a significant problem instead of a promotion. This is definitely not the time to take chances, make a career change, have a personality conflict with the boss or bend the rules.

Rooster Relationships

Your family can be a source of joy this year, so plan on doing a lot of things with them. This could include taking an extended vacation. It's also a good time to have a baby or get married. Your passions will be ignited, and love will find you. Go for it.



Sheep's Yearly Horoscope

Sheep Overview

This could be a great year for you. Success is yours for the taking in any area you wish to pursue. The Pig is one of your two best friends, and gentle, yin Fire provides just the right amount of stimulus for you to pursue your interests with vigor.

Sheep Health

Should be smooth sailing here -- no major, new problems.

Sheep Wealth

You're likely to spend a good deal of money this year, but it's for a good cause -- you! Enhance your wardrobe, consider buying a new car or plan an extravagant vacation. You can balance your checkbook next year. You've earned the right to enjoy the bounty of your labors.

 Sheep Rating

73% (1 neutral and 11 favorable months)

Sheep Career

Give your work your best effort. This could be the year when the promotion for which you have been looking is finally yours. The main thing, however, is that now is the time to make your mark. Let others, and yourself, see what you can really do. Now is the time to shine.

Sheep Relationships

This is a most auspicious year for marriage. In doting on yourself, make sure you don't neglect your family. If you are at all vulnerable this year, it is because a friend or associate could let you down. The Pig is known for being overly trusting; if you don't watch your back at least a little bit, you could be deceived.



Snake's Yearly Horoscope

Snake Overview

Actually, 37% makes things look better than they are. This could be a very trying year indeed, as you and the Pig are on different wavelengths. To top it off, several unlucky stars have your number this year.

Snake Health

Frustration over a series of setbacks could increase your stress level to a point where you might need to consult a health-care practitioner.

Snake Wealth

You are susceptible to at least one significant loss this year.

Snake Rating

37% (1 favorable, 2 neutral and 9 unfavorable months)

Snake Career

Here is one area where results might be satisfactory. You're not likely to win that big promotion, but you can make steady progress. Just do what you do and hope for the best.

Snake Relationships

This is not a good year for marriage, for finding the love of your life, or even for taking an existing relationship to the next level. The Pig stirs up everything sensual about you, but if that leads to an impetuous decision, the results could be disastrous.



Tiger's Yearly Horoscope

Tiger Overview

The luck of the Tiger flourishes in the year of the Pig. This is not the time to hold back. It may be hard to make as much progress as last year, but the odds are in your favor right now, so take what you can get.

Tiger Health

Your energy level should be more than sufficient to make the most of this high energy year. Do, however, follow the Pig's example and occasionally take time for some serious rest and relaxation -- and make sure it has a sensual component.

Tiger Wealth

There are no guarantees in life, but this is as good a time as any to go for the big one.

 Tiger Rating

65% (9 favorable, 1 neutral and 2 unfavorable months)

Tiger Career

You can make a mark for yourself by volunteering for and aggressively attacking challenging projects. Advancement is a real possibility for the Tiger who is in the middle of the action.

Tiger Relationships

There should be no major setbacks but also no significant gains. Just work on strengthening the relationships you now have.